Locality – Communities ambitious for change

Locality is the national network of community groups and organisations trying to make a difference in their area. Whether they’re working together to keep their local library open, or working with developers to make sure the local people have a say in new building work, Locality puts power in the hands of local people.

We’ve been taking visual minutes their annual conferences for a few years, as part of More Than Minutes. These rich pictures build up over the days of the conference, leaving a visual reminder of everything that has been said. We’ve also tried to capture the diverse members attending the events from around the UK onto postcards, building up a portrait wall of attendees.

Mistermunro’s drawings have illustrated the build up to these events, with illustrated facts for social media campaigns and publicity.

The first animation came in 2014, with Locality working on the script, James working this up into a storyboard and a ‘Who We Are’ animation emerging soon after. Since then, Locality have been keen to use this animation style, and have commissioned many other short explainer videos to describe new projects and opportunities, especially on the My Community website. More animations are in the pipeline to accompany a Community-Led Housing project, and James looks forward to more inspirational speakers at next year’s conference.