Case Studies

Here at Mistermunro, we’ve been lucky enough to work with some inspirational regular clients, and some exciting new ones. Whether the client is a charity, a healthcare provider or a national institution, there can be many ways to work together to make sure all their ideas are successfully communicated through drawing.

A starter of live drawing might capture ideas which are then boiled down into an animation, which can then inform a succulent dessert of posters and printed publicity.

Take a closer look at some of those working relationships, and how together we have cooked up a variety of tasty treats. Hear what our clients have to say, and take a peek inside the kitchen to see how the dishes have been created. Bon appetit!

Locality – Communities ambitious for change

Locality is the national network of community groups and organisations trying to make a difference in their area. Whether they’re working together to keep their local library open, or working with developers to make sure the local people have a say in new building work, Locality puts power in the hands of local people.

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